nProtect GameGuard FAQ

GameGuard FAQ

Windows compatibility ( Error code 151 )
Windows XP offer compatibility mode for compatibility with older version of Windows. Compatibility mode allows old version only programs to run in Windows XP by running it in a virtual environment.

  • Step 1. Click on ‘Properties’ of the game.

  • Step 2. Click on the ‘Compatibility’ tab inside the properties of the game.

  • Step 3. Check whether the compatibility mode is checked or not. If it’s checked, the game is functioning in compatibility mode.
    (The bottom picture shows that it is using Windows 95 compatibility mode.)

  • Step 4. Un-check the compatibility mode as shown in the bottom and click ‘OK’.

nProtect GameGuard FAQ
Error Code etc.
Update fail ( Error code 340, 350, 360, 361, 380 )
GameGuard duplicate execution ( Error code 115 )
Update fail 180 (Error code 180 )
Windows compatibility ( Error code 151 )
Colliding program found ( Error code 500 )